Monday, 12 November 2007

Google Page Rank

I mentioned yesterday about my confusion with Google's Page Rank. I left the post a little open at the end as it was dragging on a bit.

What I noticed through my new Promotional Items website was that all but 1 of the second level of pages was cached with a Google Page Rank 2. The missing one was cached, but grey barred (there are now more pages like this – they have been added recently).

It's been confounding me as to why that one link page didn't have a page rank. The page has existed as long as the rest and there's never been a problem with its links. So what is different about it?

I tried something different when I set up the navigation on this site. I actually reduced the amount of optimisation for 2 reasons. First, it looks better, but also just in case Google thought it too much. So I purposely did not include whole keyword phrases in every anchor text. This worked fine, except for one link in which it still came out as a popular keyword phrase.

You can no doubt guess which link this was!

And guess how I have been optimising the mortgage site – that's right, by using keyword phrases in the anchor text. Of all of the links that appear on every page only 1 isn't a popular keyword phrase (and most are actually the most valid descriptions of the page – I'm not spamming). And that page is the only other Google Page Rank 2 page on the site.

A bit more investigation is needed here!!!

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