Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Editing Videos

I'm currently struggling with a few short video clips. Whatever I try, they go wrong. The customer is getting really annoyed having 'paid a small fortune' for the website and with advertising going live in a couple of days. Actually, £275 for a website, with bought in photography and 3 video clips to edit, is a really good price!

The problem is that the videos are 1 hour long DVDs and I'm having to extract a 60 second clip from each, then convert them to wmv from mpeg so that they are downloaded in a reasonable time (the £70 per year for media streaming being too much).

Each mpeg is about 12 - 14 mb - imaging trying to download that over a slow connection! So I'm converting the mpegs to wmv files using a tool I've used a few times before, but for some unexplained reason, the conversion process keeps dropping the sound.

So I separated the sound track from the video track and dropped that in on it's own. Tested first video - wonderful. Did the other 2, quick listen to make sure sound is there and loaded them to the website.

But on the second to conversions the original sound track had carried over! So because I was a fraction of a second out from where I had dropped in the sound track, the entire track echoed!

This time (and each attempt is taking a while) I've removed the sound from the original whilst dropping the separated track into the audio stream.

The things I do to make customers happy - and earn a little bit of cash! He's definitely had good value for money out of my time on this project.

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