Friday, 1 August 2008

Writing articles for more website traffic

Writing articles, if you can think of plenty of content, can be a useful way of generating more taffic directly to your site. If you are very lucky, it also brings in some one way links.

It works like this. There are loads of people out there running e-zines, blogs and websites that want more content. They want a quick and easy way to provide their readers with fresh information and it can be extremely difficult to provide this often enough.

On the other hand, there are a load of people that are 'experts' in their fields. These people have plenty they can say, but are without the circulation list to distribute the content they can put together. Some are inspired by wanting to publicise their knowledge, whilst most want to give their websites or businesses a higher profile.

So there are article distribution sites that bring the two together. The experts write the articles and submit them to the article sites. The articles should be well written, interesting and saying something new, or in a different way.

At the end of the article the expert author usually adds a brief biography about themself, linking to or mentioning their website or business name.

The publishers then come along and find articles that are interesting to them and useful. They publish them as they require and include the biography. Within an e-zine, this is just a link so that interested readers can find out more about the author or their services. Whilst in a website, it is usually a live link to the website, giving not only a chance of traffic, but also one way links from new sites to the author's own site.

So what are the important aspects of article writing? Well, apart from finding a good site to distribute them on, it them centres around writing about content that publishers want to print in a way that they are happy to include. If your articles aren't interesting or are poorly written then publishers are less likely to pick up them and use them.

Articles must be spell checked, written about a subject that is useful and most importantly of all - they should be original. There's no point ripping off someone else's content. Write a good article for yourself and then get it published. Once you are seeing the article spread around the internet you should not only get a good feeling - but also plenty of traffic!

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