Monday, 5 November 2007

To Flash or Not To Flash???

Should you include flash on a website or not? That's a big decision and opinion varies a lot. Some people are horrified at the thought of having flash on their website, others consider it essential.

I think it's like chocolate and wine. Both of these we are told are good for you - in moderation. Have too much and you'll make yourself ill. Abstain and you are missing out on the feel good factor and a few beneficial properties.

The same goes for flash. If you build an entire site in flash the search engines won't be interested. But if you include a little snippet or two, in small files, then the effect can be worth the effort.

There is the danger that this is rapidly take to the extreme. One customer saw that I'd put in a small flash animation and insisted that the size was increased and the number of frames doubled - then was horrified when my prediction of a slow to open page came true.

Everything in moderation - including flash!

1 comment:

innovativeatul said...

You gave a good example of chocolate and wine for flash on websites.

If i go through scope of flash according to Human and computer interaction. The flash is the first element on the site which catches eye but if its a ad on your site than the actual information which you want to provide to the user will not be present in the manner it should.

Flash is good for presentation or if your site is no more than a broucher and your just want to show off no sales no other global information.
