Monday, 14 January 2008

Latest Google Page Rank Update

I am slowly continuing to look at the latest google page rank update to see what might have changed and I'll report what I am finding. How quick this is depends how much time I can devote to it each day!

What I noticed last night was that Google is now reporting a lot more link backs to each site that I look at. Whether this is genuinely that there has been a lot of work on these sites or whether it's because the link back filter has been reduced, I haven't had the time to investigate. But as none of the sites that I've checked have shot up in page rank, one has even lost a page rank in the update, then I suspect it's more something global than the success of my link building.

For example, my mortgages web site was showing 12 back links before the update but now reports 88, with 69 showing in the main results. I'll need to check most of these to see when they were added to know for certain what has caused the changes.

One change I have noticed is that a lot more of my changed sites are showing links back to themselves! This could be because I've improved the internal links, rather than any major changes. And there are plenty of links showing that are new, or are on pages that have probably newly been found by google / given some sort of page rank. If I get time, I'll start through the list of links today and compare to records of when they were added. Not an easy process...

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