Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Page Rank Update - Not Clear Still

In the October Google Page Rank Update there was a clear demarkation mark within this blog as to which pages had been cached and which hadn't. If you looked at the pages more than about a week old (Read in full here) they were PR0, older than 3 weeks they were PR1. And this held true throughout the site, with the home page being PR3. Not bad for a new blog!

This time around the line isn't clear. I've looked at a website I published on the 27 December and that's PR0 and all pages on this blog since then are grey barred. Now I did notice Google was very active over Christmas - presumably gathering it's data for the update. So maybe around the 27th is the correct cut off.

But before then there's no rhyme or reason as to what the posts are ranked. Some are grey barred, some PR0, some even PR3. There's no simple pattern. Some of the page ranked posts are long, some not so long. On the whole, it's possible that the shorter posts are grey barred, but there are some posts that are grey barred that are longer than ranked posts.

There are probably several factors at play here. All of the posts are linked roughly the same way and amount of times. So unless there are lots of people using RSS to syndicate some of the posts, then something on certain pages is making them more popular to Google than the posts the days before & after. If only I had time to sit here and work it all out - it would help with my page ranking for other sites!

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