Thursday, 22 May 2008

Am I too aggressive?

Some people may say that I'm too aggressive when it comes to deleting links. But then I do fairly well accept most link requests and then just delete those that at a later date I decide are not benefiting me.

Should I do this? Well, it's my link directory - I'll do as I like! If the other site's owner is upset that I've deleted their link, then maybe they should have given me a better link in the first place.

OK, my link pages aren't whiter than white and many are not page ranked. But it's got to start somewhere and there's a good chance that those pages that aren't page ranked, but are obviously very popular with people requesting links, could be being hindered by all the spam requests. And if that's the case, then the good sites I'm linking to aren't getting a fair exchange because of the other sites.

So I like to delete links that aren't beneficial or relevant. At least I'm that open to requests! And as I've already mentioned, I only expect pages to be page ranked after they have been through 2 full page rank cycles.

My problem is that some idiots set up links that are absolutely irrelevant. Why try to fill my 'activity holidays' page with links to fake rolex and casino sites? OK, take over that page and they then become relevant to the theme of the site and give me a link back from an uncached page. Is this what the owners of the properly categorised links want, who are giving me links from PR2 pages? I'd much rather have 1 link exchange with a similarly themed site that gives me a link from a PR2 page, then 50 casinos linking to my travel website from grey barred (and usually uncached, or sometimes using rel=nofollow...) links pages.

Yes, it's harsh just deleting the links. I did used to send the owners an email first asking them to put the links back, but very few replied and with many the email just bounced. So now I just delete the link and have done to it. Some of them email me months later asking where their link is and telling me how important it is to have a link from their site. If I'm generous I look at their links page and usually find the reason I've deleted the link. Not one has so far inspired me to put the link back in place.

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