Tuesday, 27 May 2008

I'm not really that negative...

I don't want to appear to be too negative when I'm talking about checking reciprocal links - just realistic. There are a good number of sites out there that are genuine, but then there are also a good number that aren't. It's less than 10 days since I ran the links check on CompareMortgageRates and when I started the process today there were exactly 400 sites in the directory. Of these, 17 no longer link back to me - yet they were when I looked less than 10 days ago.

Extrapolate over 31 days and that could easily have been around 45 sites missing link backs - over 10 percent! I had a look through some of the sites with missing links and those that I looked at were all 3-way links - initiated by the other party. It's what I was saying in that article - the person being paid to search for links suddenly has no financial incentive to keep my link there so pulls it without warning.

I see no harm in 3 way linking, if done fairly. But in my experience it's never fair. It's usually done so that someone being paid to promote a site can do so more easily. If they took the time to install link software on the site that is paying them to do the work then there would be a long term investment - the links directory would be there for as long as their customer wants it. I suppose that's the difference between my way of working and others. I would give the customer full control, they want all the links to be able to slowly crumble once the customer stops paying.

Give me a fair link and I'm happy!

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