Tuesday, 1 July 2008

A Turkish Translation

Quite an interesting twist on a new site that I'm building - it's going to be my first site that has a foreign version. I've built the English version of the site and now I've got to pull together all of the phrases used and get the customer to provide the translations for me.

How will I do the other language? I've not decided yet how I will handle the dual languages. On the surface, a copy of the site with everything translated seems easiest, but that means duplicate pages. The alternative is to set a cookie that swaps the text to Turkish if set.

Either way is simple, but I'm coming around to the first way as being easier to run - the button with the Turkish flag will just link to the home page of the Turkish version and vice versa. Now, is that done as a subdomain or a sub directory???

Another customer mentioned months ago about having a Polish translation for his potential rentors, but that would just be a page. And another has talked about French and Spanish translations of her website - but that was months back that she was talking about getting a friend to write the translations and I've not heard back. Maybe I should ask her about the progress.

Anyway, multi-lingual websites seems to be a popular feature at the moment.

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