Saturday, 12 July 2008

When you need a site quickly, throw some insults

I think I need a new sales guy (are you reading this P??)! Working as hard as possible to get him a rushed site live, whilst also trying to get him another site live at the same time (that I was only given a couple of days' notice from getting instructions to going live) and trying to get him other changes out, and he tries a new tactic.

Insults. After emailing me stupid unrelated questions for 90 minutes and getting me to change parts of the screen, change them again and then put them back again, he throws at me 'you computer programmers are far more slapdash'.

Nice, inspirational talk. Just because I told him (again, 2nd time in 90 minutes) that if the customer takes and loads pictures that are a mixture of landscape, square and portrait format, then they will appear different proportions on the screen.

He's making out that retailers want things doing properly, I just throw things together. Actually, when we're up against deadlines and the magazine advert started running 5 days ago, then I think that getting something live is important. Personally, I'd have waited on agreeing the magazine advert until after the site was nearly ready. I wouldn't have advetised it and then told the designer when I needed it for.

Who's the slapdash one there?

I just wish he'd get on with his job and maybe collect some cash. Another 3 emails from him - they are waiting until this afternoon. I've got plenty of work to do without answering him!

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