Thursday, 3 July 2008

June Benchmark

Should be starting to see some results soon, if I'm going to see any! So comparing against the May benchmark.

First, the bookings. Up this month to 6 bookings, with 4 confirmed, bringing in £65.28. This compares well to the 1 of 4 worth £26 in May, but not as good as April, which had 5 of 7, worth £90.48.

How are the traffic levels? Well, they were up on both sites - 5,146 and 1,927 on the changed site. That's about 90% more traffic on the changed site against not quite 5% on the unchanged site.

The earnings - $181.74 and $24.46 - just over 7.5% up on the unchanged site - good - but down by 30% on the changed site - very disappointing with the traffic levels up so much.

My only consolation is the hope that a lot of the extra traffic is because the site has generated more interest in its link exchange - so hopefully there will be lot's more inbound links and the site will become more popular.

Because, between the 2 sites, an income of under £170 isn't that great!

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