Friday, 28 December 2007

Flash Web Design

Flash Web Design - friend or foe?

I did deal with this a while back, but it's one of those items that gets brought up time and time again. And I'm in the middle of redesigning my own website and looking to see if a little flash animation could fit in there.

But what about Flash Web Design - is it good or bad? Personally I see nothing wrong with a small animation here and there on a website. It can give the site a bit more interest and Flash Web Design can help to draw attention to certain areas - latest news and offers.

What I don't think is such a good idea is Flash Web Design for the entire site. At the very least you are dubbling your work - you should first create the non-flash site then recreate it all as flash. Then both sites need to be kept up to date.

Why this way? Well, if you create the flash web site first then the html version, you can create a website that is dependent on flash features that cannot be converted to HTML. It is then inaccessible to certain people and search engines.

There's nothing wrong with using the clever features within Flash Web Design to brighten up a site or create short cuts, but if there isn't a similar HTML version available, you are penalising yourself as the search engines and some visitors won't be able to see the entire site.

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