Thursday, 13 December 2007

What's The Best Anchor Text

Yesterday, I mentioned that I was reviewing the links in to a site that was getting top position on google. My interest in the site is that it is a direct competitor to one of my customers. I won't mention either site, for fear of upsetting the SEO team that did all of the hard work on the competitor!

When you see a site top of Google for many popular search terms, especially differing terms that don't bring up the home page, you would probably expect to see a site with hundreds of links in. But this site only had 19 links in, showing that it's not the site with the most links in that wins, but the site with the Best Anchor Text.

That's where I left off yesterday - what's the best anchor text? So I looked at the site's 19 links - and 11 of them were from the site itself, with 9 as supplemental results!

So what was so special about this site's links that it was able to beat 489,000 pages of results to take top spot in Google? Were all pages linking in with super rich anchor links?

Actually no. Some listed loads of brands, one or two the main keyword and the rest were the site name, with other bits added. Overall, it appears that Google considers the best anchor text> to be not the ideal keywords, but random words. After all, this must be more 'natural'.

The alternative answer is - was is the sites themselves that gave extra weighting. I'll look at that tomorrow...

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