Friday, 7 December 2007

Why Am I So Interested In Anchor Text???

Would Google Ignore These Links Because They Contain Keywords?What is my interest in Keywords in Anchor Text?

Well, for a start as a web designer I want the best for my customers. I also run a few sites for myself and have noticed strange effects – mainly around site that have used keywords in the anchor text. As you will see from the list of links on the right, they were probably fairly validly used.

But I noticed that the page rank didn't filter down as well to these pages and the same happened on some customer sites, but not on others. The only common theme was how popular the anchor text would be in search engines.

Now in the past we have been told that anchor text is a great way of increasing a site's optimisation for a particular key word. And people used this to great effect with Google bombing, so something had to be done.

It wouldn't be beyond reason to expect Google to now say there's a threshold. Only X% of link's anchor texts should contain keywords. In the case of my secured loans pages, that's pretty harsh, so sense would dictate that maybe that's not what would happen. Or maybe it's something under development.

Whatever it was, my mortgages site fell from number 1 spot on it's preferred keyword to hovering between pages 5 and 7 on Google. And I'm still looking for the reason and trying to get it back up there!

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