Saturday, 8 December 2007

Week 8 Results

SEO ExperimentDefinite movements on the experiments this week - a lot to learn about what types of links work best overall.

Site 1, with no links, has had the 2 posts and the archive page dropped. It's home page has still not been cached again - now 7 weeks since that page was cached. Even though it still continues to receive new posts and pings.

Site 2 seems to have lost it's home page cache but gained an archive page, just 2 days ago. There's a chanve that since there's only 1 post newer than the archive, the duplicate content filter has dropped the index. Need to post more often to all 3 sites! As for the posts, they were cached 3, 10, 13, 14 and 4X 15 days ago.

Site 3, using target="_blank" in it's links in, now shows more pages cached than last week, and more than the other 2 sites put together. That does seem to be the pattern for this site - does things well, but then the drop off. We'll see. For the record, home page (listed 2nd???) cached 9 days ago; November archive (top of the search list) 6 days; October archive 6 days and the posts 2, 6, 6, 10, 5 X 11.

Quite interesting that 5 pages were cached 11 days ago, but weren't showing cached then when I looked last Saturday. Usually caches show within around 2 days, but these took over 4 days to appear.

Checking what link are shown into the sites, and site 2 does show up as having more. Very strange, given that all links are next to each other!

With these results, looking at this week only, I'd have to say that the 2nd type of links look better, but I've learnt from experience on this experiment that things don't stand still for long.

Keep watching.

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