Monday, 7 April 2008

Adsense Recap

My routine was broken the end of last week by a visit to the Grand National, so trying to get back on track here with a recap on Google's Adsense.

Personally, I think it can be a great tool. Not always, but given the right target website and audience and by keeping careful control of the keywords and adverts, it can reap rewards.

I have customers who's sites, even businesses, depend on the custom driven into them by adsense. Others top up customers through Adsense and others don't understand at all why anyone would use it, having tried and failed miserably.

You must get the keyword targeting done correctly. Then you must write a good adsense advert.

One point I didn't cover is where to send visitors. If you are selling and advertising hundreds of different widgets, then write different adverts for each (remember you have to target your adsense advert at the keywords) and that advert should send the visitor DIRECTLY TO THE RELEVANT PAGE. Not the home page, unless that product is displayed there. Get the customer straight to the information they want.

Tomorrow I'll start looking at other types of website marketing that I've found useful on CompareMortgageRates and customers' sites.

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