Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Google Adsense

I've talked enough about Google's Adsense over the last week:

How to choose adsense keywords covered why you should be very careful when deciding what keywords to target.

What makes adsense special covered the advantages of adsense, and other Pay Per Click schemes, over other marketing methods.

How to write adsense adverts covered a few of the theories behind how to write a good adsense advert.

Adsense click fraud looked at what Google is doing to protect advertisers

And adense content network looked at whether the content network gets you value for money.

Do I think adsense is useful - yes, if you keep a close eye on your budget. Watch what's happening and it should be very useful, in most cases. If you haven't already tried it, give it a go. And if you have and didn't like it, check your keyword list against how to choose adsense keywords and the content of your advert against how to write adsense adverts.

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