Monday, 3 December 2007

Keyword Anchor Text Experiment

OK, so I've got the target=_blank experiment ongoing. So why not start another similar process – the anchor text experiment?

Same idea again, but I'll not set up a control site – I'll just refer to what happened during the first experiment for that. This time I'll just have 2 blogs. Both will be posted to every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (forgive me if I miss Boxing Day!!!) using short (circa 100 word) posts of my own thoughts. To keep it simple I'll just use each blog to talk about different financial terms – sort of build a couple of financial glossary blog sites.

The first one I link to with a non-descript and harmless anchor text. Click Here. Seems harmless and unlikely to give any ranking credibility!

The second one I'm linking to with a good strong financial, similar to ones I would use in link building a commercial site. Mortgage Rates. This is a popular keyword that I have previously ranked number one for, but unfortunately dropped off the top page. Hence my interest in the matter…

Now, in theory site 2 should have the better keywords and get a better chance of ranking. But if my theory is right, Google might totally ignore the second link and the site will appear as if it is unlinked.

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