Wednesday 9 January 2008

Free or Paid Hosting - Building Your Own Website

If you are building your own website, should you use free hosting or paid for hosting?

Given the price of hosting, unless you are creating a hobby website, then for any professional / business website that you really should go for some sort of paid hosting. Here's why.

If you were to visit a business website and noticed that the URL was a free hosting service at an ISP, would you trust them? You might notice this in the status bar, the address bar or when you hovered the mouse over a link.

You can also tend to get better support on a paid for hosting service - after all you are paying for the service, so should get something for your money. There may be extra tracking tools to monitor traffic, more reliability and all sorts of advantages. It depends on what services you are looking at. Also your choices for pointing your domain name at a free host are far more limited than with a paid host (more tomorrow there...).

Lastly, there is a theory that search engines such as Google do give more weighting to sites that are professionally hosted over those hosted on free space. Therefore, if you are hoping for any search engine traffic, it could be worth paying for hosting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great nice list of web hosting providers, it will be helpful to everybody who are yet to build their site.
