Tuesday 8 January 2008

Hosting - Building Your Own Website

Once the name is registered, you have a choice of how to host the website.

First, what is hosting? Basically, you put a copy of your website onto a fast computer that is permanently connected to the internet, usually with backup connections to the telephone network ready for high loads and failures. The alternative would be to use your own computer, but that would mean never switching it off etc.

You might hear terms such as servers etc, but a server is just a special type of computer. All that matters for us is that you load your website to the host and it becomes available.

So how can you host it? The most obvious choice is to use the company that you registered the URL with to also host the site. It depends on what they are charging. Or you can equally easily use a competitor to host the site or even use free space. You might have free hosting site through your internet provider or you may want to use the hosting of one of the many free website creation tools.

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