Saturday, 5 January 2008

Keywords In Domain Names – Building Your Own Website

Are there advantages to using key words in domain names such as

Well, I have to say that in the past that site has appeared well for the terms 'Compare Mortgage Rates' and 'Mortgage Rates'. It's dropped a little (maybe not such a little!!!) since the October update. But it did do well for those words in the domain name.

Now maybe this is in part because people linking to the site used the domain name and therefore there are a lot of links in using these keywords. That definitely helps. But if you look down the results list for any search you will usually see a site or two with keywords in the domain name.

But this isn't a guaranteed success method. If the text within the site doesn't support the keywords, then the site will probably be deemed spam and dropped by the search engines.

In fact, looking down a few results lists, the obvious websites full of keywords have stopped appearing. If anything, it could be that Google is using these keyword rich domain names as an indicator to be cautious with a site.

Personally I think that having keywords in the domain name can help, but shouldn't be the driving force in choosing a name. If some fit in then use them, else good practices and a well written site are probably a better choice.

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