Thursday 1 May 2008

Are all links directories equal?

Are all links directories equal? Is it worth getting links on every links directory going or are some worth more than others?

Well, hopefully fairly obviously, some links directory pages are worth more than others. Depending on the tool used there are a lot of variations.

Some people still insist on throwing out links pages with hundreds of links with just the link text, no content. Given that the popularity given to each linked to page is spread between the linked pages, the more links the less popularity you are gaining.

Also, if the page is just links and no text, then this must raise suspicions with search engines. There are also some written in HTML and others with filenames such as links.asp?page=123&theme=456&skip=789 etc. With too many parameters you will loose the search engines. I see no difference between PHP, HTML and ASP pages, in fact some of the links pages that I've seen the best results from getting listed in have been ASP with a single parameter.

So what am I saying? Is it best to review the page and decide whether to exchange? It can be. If you are working on getting a new site listed then you may still be at the point of anything is better than nothing. But later you might be choosy.

Importantly, if you are deciding which tool to use then look and see how good it's links pages are. If it gives bad pages then less people might want to swap with you and the same as the popularity vote out counts for less, it may also count against your site having a poor links software.

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