Monday 24 March 2008

Affiliate Marketing - Trusting Cookies

I was interested to notice as I logged onto Affiliate Future that they are no longer relying on cookies for their tracking. They instead talk about their new tracking system, that stores non-personal details in the visitor's browser instead.

It doesn't really say what they do different or how they are doing it. It just sounds like cookies, without any personal details

They claim in it's response to an increasing number of people disabling cookies; virus / anti-spyware disabling cookies etc. And probably, they are right. But their system sounds like they are possibly just storing the affiliate details in hidden fields or something similar. Which begs the question, how easy is it to forget to code this on one page and how, if it's not cookies and it's using the browser, do you track returning visitors

Intrigued, I decided to take a look at one of my own links through them. But it didn't work, nor did any of their links I tried! It looks like they have implemented something so clever that it doesn't work on older machines / operating systems

I wonder how many potential sales could be lost through their system by not supporting older browsers?

I was about to update my comparemortgagerates site as part of the follow up to my main provider deserting me, to include one of their merchants through loads of pages - I couldn't test so I'm looking elsewhere.

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