Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Blame Me For Your Spellings

I mentioned yesterday that Word can be useful for designing websites. How?

Well I certainly don't propose we all start using Word to create the layout and then save as HTML - tried it once, didn't like the result...

But Word has it's place. Have you ever received text from a customer that is just littered with gramatical and spelling mistakes? Quite often the text is sent in plain text and I just drop it into the relevant pages. Then the customers complain that I've made spelling mistakes putting up the pages! I'm the one that gets the blame for their own errors!

I'm not expecting everyone to be able to spell, or even type, perfectly. But please, if you are going to get ratty when 20 pages of text are published in your budget website with your spelling mistakes included, please use the word tools to check them for spelling mistakes first. If you are expecting me to compete with the £50 your nephew was going to charge you on a 20 page site, then please don't expect me to spell and grammer check all 10 different drafts of the 20 pages of text you send through to me!

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