Wednesday 5 March 2008

Complain When I Correct Your Spellings???

Following on from the customers that send text littered with spelling mistakes, there are times when the spellings are so bad that I notice when I'm cutting and pasting, so I do something about it.

Usually this goes unnoticed, but recently I had a new customer who complained about me amending his text and getting the spellings wrong. I had to explain that in fact the spelling were correct and maybe he should look in a dictionary before he complained about how bad my spelling is (is is pretty poor, but spell checkers are fantastic...).

Worst still, and I couldn't get through this series without spouting off on this one, is the old, ever so humble, apostophe.

Where do you put it? When do you use it? Is the rule - if in doubt, use it? Well the site I mentioned on Monday obviously went for the 'if in doubt rule' - and in a most obvious place - the main site navigation.

Apostophes are used to indicate possession or a missing letter - e.g. don't, "the [one] boy's toys". Bikinis as a label doesn't have one (but "bikini's pattern" would), nor do any other words that are purely plural (unless they are plural & show possession - "the [many] boys' toys").

Sorry, but this is one of those simple rules that I see broken all over the place. "Path's cleaned" is on the side of a local van, but he's also got "driveways cleaned" (correct!!!). Well do it different ways and one must be right!

I'll happily correct spellings & grammer, especially for people who tell me they aren't confident - can I check it. But if I do, please leave me alone when I correct it!

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