Friday, 19 October 2007

The Experiment in Progress

Well the three blogs are up and running and have been for a few days now. I can't put a link to the first blog here, that would defeat the Backlink Experiment! But the second blog and third blog are there for you to see – you might notice the target=”_blank” on the 2nd link!

All three have had the ‘about me’ box removed so that there's no linking there and all use exactly the same basic template. I've not set up any adsense or affiliate banners as I don't foresee them having loads of traffic, but who knows!!!

I've also set up links to 2 of these blogs from 6 travel websites that I maintain. All of the links are from PR3, 4 or 5 sites with link to the third blog including target=”_blank”.

But what am I expecting to see?

Well the first blog will probably be cached very slowly, if at all, as it is unpopular (no links in).

The second blog should cached reasonably quickly and hopefully after a few weeks of hard work it will get to the point whereby Google shows how many hours it is since the last update of the home page.

The third is a bit of a mystery. In theory, it should be similar to the second, but if I'm right then I expect it will list quickly, BUT then it will be unpopular (no links listed) so it might not get cached as often as the second blog.

I'll be recording frequency of caching of the home page as a marker of how popular each page.

All 3 sites were on Google within 40 minutes of first publishing. Before I had time to link to them. But none were cached within an hour of the second post the following day, unlike when I posted to this blog that day.

The blogs have actually been running for a week now (I thought documenting the whole lot in one go would be too much for anyone to read!!!), so tomorrow I'll recap on the first week's results.

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