Sunday, 14 October 2007

When Is A Link Not A Link?

We've all been sold the benefits of link building and we know full well that if we don’t have any links into a site it won't get listed on the search engines, or at least it won't stay there for long. But how much time and effort do you spend on this and is it really necessary?

SEO companies will tell us it is vital. And as these places are successful, it probably is. There are loads of pros and cons, I'll come back to them in a few weeks.

But a couple of weeks back I was looking at what sites link into my main web design site. Currently I've got around 100 sites live that I've built for customers, all of which should be linking to me.

When I look at Yahoo, there are thousands of links into my site. But Google shows only about 50 pages. And I would expect that Google won't count links in the PR algorithm that it doesn't display.

This was very puzzling so I started looking deeper into this and of the approximately 50 pages linking in, that represented only 13 of my own sites. What's happened to the rest?

So I started looking at the listed pages and the sites that weren't listed as linking. I don't know which is most beneficial (looking at the included or excluded), but this week I'm taking a look at the results and I'm going to start an interesting experiment…

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