Monday, 1 October 2007

Getting Listed On Google

So just what does it take to get listed on Google and stay there?

You must have something that the search engines want - unique content. I've recently seen a couple of new sites that I've worked on appear on Google then totally vanish. Nothing that I try can get the sites back. But when I looked around the text used wasn't unique.

In one case the text on the site (a single pager) had also been used for a listing in a large directory. Although the directory listing was added after the site went live, the directory had been cached by the search engines long before the customer's site was registered and published.

It seems that the only answer to get the site listed is to get all of the text changed in the directory listing. Doesn't have to be much, so long as it looks different.

The other site that this has happened to slowly fell out of Google's listing. This time it was a blog publishing phishing emails and there's other sites doing exactly the same. The answer there is to add a load of text around the actual email and make sure that there isn't too much repitition (too many similar emails were also being published).

Give the search engines something new and hopefully they will treat you well. Give them what they already display elsewhere and you might find you don't have any traffic.

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